September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Inspired by this earlier post, I want to know if you were a Language Arts teacher, what two books would you teach alongside each other in the same class? You could finish one and then teach the other book right afterwards. You could do one book as a read-aloud book and the other as independent. If you want to broaden this out to include plays, poems, short stories, etc. go for it!

    The most interesting double-feature I read as a student was Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad immediately followed up by Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. Comparing and contrasting how those two books portrayed colonization in Africa from two very different perspectives (a white man in the late 1800s vs a Nigerian man in the mid 1900s) really opened my eyes to the importance of own voices literature.

    What two books would you choose and why?

    Edit to add: feel free to say the grade level if you want to. My example was from a 12th grade Lit & Comp class, but I'd love to hear younger reader match ups as well!

    by lilythefrogphd

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