September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for some dutch books to recommend to my dad. I have tons of suggestions for him, but all of them are in English!

    I don’t know much about his preferences, but from the movies and shows I’ve seen him enjoy: I think he likes movies with drama, action, and ‘politicking’. He enjoys mafia shows for example, because of multiple groups fighting. He enjoyed some show in the past about an egyptian-esque country, where there was a bunch of turmoil and in-fighting between royalty. I think he’d enjoy something akin to Game of Thrones, just with way less sex/incest, and probably less fantasy (although I think GoT is pretty light on the fantasy elements).

    I’d prefer if the writing were a bit simpler than say GoT’s. Something more akin to Brandon Sanderson’s prose.

    If none of those are sparking inspiration, he likes planes lol. Maybe if you have some random shot in the dark dutch book about plans that you just happen to know, let me know.

    I’d prefer if an ebook were available, so he can read on the ipad

    by Xitoboy9

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