September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been discovering so many good reference books recently. I’ve learned so much just from self study.

    One of these skills is using a map and compass. This to me feels like an essential skill everyone should learn.

    The author of this book, Bjorn Kjellstrom, is the founder of Silva compasses and he is the father of modern orienteering.

    This book here is the Bible on beginner orienteering and should be in everyone’s library.

    It shows you how to use and read base plate compasses, topographical maps, and teaches basic land navigation like dead reckoning, including lovely illustrations demonstrating terrain association, and how to translate visual terrain to a topographical map.

    If you decide to pick up this book and want to start applying them IRL, you can get topographical maps of your area from USGS or other providers, or your local library. Be sure to join your local orienteering club if you want to try doing it IRL.

    If you want to practice and you’re not in an area with any camp sites and clubs, there’s a rudimentary game on Steam called “Land Nav”. It simulates land navigation fairly well, you can practice terrain association and dead reckoning in that game.

    If anyone has any cool reference books or guides let me know. I found a plethora of them and will make weekly posts about them.

    by JWayn596

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