September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I must be feeling nostalgic because I am looking for a book that either has the POV of and or greatly revolves around a character that is a science experiment/construct. Test tube babies, hybrids, super soldiers, etc all come to mind.

    Transhumanist stuff is also welcome.
    I really enjoy themes like finding one’s individuality/purpose and always found characters like this to be extremely compelling for some reason.

    I find these tropes to be a staple in sci-fi but if a magical fantasy book also has these traits (such as through alchemy) I’m totally down.

    I grew up on Maximum Ride, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ghost in the Shell, Metal Gear, etc for reference.

    I have read Frankenstein and enjoyed it.

    I’m down for horror or horror elements. All I prefer is that it be written for adults (not children or teens) and if there are any major female characters that they be written with depth.

    Thanks ! 🧪🧬

    by conjunctlva

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