September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For the past couple months all I’ve read have been books revolved around music and here are my suggestions.

    Please Kill Me – Legs McNeil (takes accounts from many punk rockers of the 60-80s and they share some stories of their times at CBGB and Max’s or other cool moments

    High Fidelity – Nick Hornby (We follow Rob as he tries to find the reason everyone he has ever loved ends up dumping him. Rob is a record store owner (and a complete incel in my opinion). He struggles to make ends meet with his failing business and after his latest breakup with his girlfriend, Laura, he tries to find the reason as to why women hate him. It’s a sad book all the way through but ends up having a happy ending. The music in the book is astounding. I’ve made a playlist for the book on Spotify with every song mentioned in this book!

    Let’s Go (So We Can Get Back) – Jeff Tweedy
    If you like Wilco or have heard a couple of their songs and want to get into more of their work I’d recommend this book in a heartbeat. Jeff recounts his entire life from childhood listening to his fathers train sound compilation as a kid to starting Uncle Tupelo with Jay Farrar to kicking Jay Bennet out of Wilco for being a key reason Jeff was a drug addict. This book is a must read if you are into Wilco for sure.

    Meet me in the Bathroom – Lizzy Goodman
    Similar to please kill me as it is presented as a bunch of interviews how this time it’s set in the 2001-2011 garage rock boom. Featuring bands like The Strokes and LCD Soundsystem.

    Sonic Life – Thurston Moore
    Currently halfway through the book and I can’t put it down. Thurston recounts his days living in a small town in bethel travelling to New York to see bands like the ramones and Patti Smith. To creating his first band The Coachmen. To eventually starting the band we all know and love Sonic Youth. Not much to say as I’m not done it.

    by Burnsie_Beauty_

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