September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    On the one hand, the books are incredibly intelligent, and written by an intelligent woman (with help from a literal Oxford teacher); references to everything from the Bible to Keats abound; you can be spoiled on the fate of Protesilaus by having read the Illiad, and the entire series turns out to be a sort of queer reflection/elaboration on Nabokov's you-know-what-book-but-this-sub-might-ban-saying-it.

    On the other hand, it's a book with care given to queer and POC representation, with fun mysteries the readers can figure out, with hilarious and frequent jokes, with action scenes aplently. Like Branderson, but actually good and well-done and not awful garbage.

    Are there more books like this? Books which reference classical works as they reference each other (Muir>Nabokov>Poe), which bookscirclejerk theoretically should like, which important literature critics would praise, except they'll never actually read them, because they appear to be, say, a sightly gory YA series?

    by GOATedFuuko

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