September 2024
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    Just read the "History of Tea"and enjoyed it. The other favorite books I enjoyed are "The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments" and Doctors: The Biography of Medicine". Don't really enjoy too much empasis on tragedy and decline, just looking for a simple subject that brings the facts and is interesting. Looking at a book about the folklore of wildflowers but haven't pulled the trigger on it yet. Any suggestions?

    by ExistingVariation756


    1. Wizard_of_Claus on

      You might like the Time Traveller’s Guide series.

      It basically takes a period like Medieval England and reads like a travel guide for someone who just showed up there.

    2. “Stuff Matters: Exploring the Marvelous Materials That Shape Our Man-Made World” by Mark Miodownik

    3. “History of the World in Six Glasses” by Tom Standage

      Follows the history of mankind through tracing the individual histories of beer, wine, spirits, tea, coffee, and cola.

    4. Electrical_Letter_22 on

      Ten tomatoes that changes the world
      By William Alexander

      Salt: a world history
      By Mark Kurlansky

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