September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So another night and another new author. In other words I've finished up a novel by one Jeremy Bates titled "Mosquito Man".

    When an severely injured woman bangs on the door of a remote cabin, only to die, the couple who are staying find themselves on a night of psychological horror as an unknown murderer is hunting them.

    Right now they must go beyond what they themselves are actually capable of if they ever hope to save their children and to survive until the morning comes.

    There's not really much to say about this book. It's quite a decent and spooky read, and is not too long. And because it's not a really long book, the story gets right down to it and speeds along.

    It's also part of series that he's created called "Worlds Scariest Legends". Pretty much he uses urban legends as the basis for these novels, and "Mosquito Man" is based on such a legend, though I honestly have never heard of it before! But there are two other books in the series that are based on ones that I'm familiar with, though haven't read yet. One is called "The Man from Taured" based on, well, the man from Taured and another called "The Sleep Experiment" based on, you guessed it, the Russian Sleep Experiment. Might have to track those two down sometime!

    A short novel with a pretty decent story to boot!

    by i-the-muso-1968


    1. UncircumciseMe on

      Isn’t there a Merfolk one? I enjoyed that one a lot. Same author. Don’t know if it’s the same series though.

    2. EfficientDealer5811 on

      Jeremy Bates’ books are known for their chilling plots, and “Mosquito Man” seems like it fits right into that mold. I love how he draws on urban legends for inspiration—it’s a neat way to make the stories feel fresh and eerie. The “World’s Scariest Legends” series sounds intriguing, especially with those other titles you mentioned. I might just have to check them out myself! Do you have a favorite among the ones you’ve read so far?

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