July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I occasionally find myself unable to finish a story in one go, usually because life gets in the way and I stop reading for a bit and/or I run out of time in the library app I often use, and then I’m required to rejoin the back of the queue.

    Either way, I might not pick that book up again for a number of weeks or even months. Sometimes I can re-read the last chapter and pickup where I left off, but other times I basically need to start over, which often means I just put the book down and never finish it.

    What would be handy is a website that can let me plug in the chapter I got to (e.g. 14) and it provides a brief summary of each chapter up until that point.

    Or any other creative ideas to help me remember I guess?

    by chricholson


    1. Cliff Notes, Spark Notes and other types of similar works are basically that. You won’t find it for recent releases, more like classics and books that become popular in high school and college literature classes.

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