September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Leaving a 7 year relationship is hard. It feels like I don’t have anyone in my life and all I have to look forward to are books to read. I tried to go through NYTs 21th century list but damn is it a daunting list. I also usually like reading heavier books and at a time like this, they don’t seem to be doing me much good. Nonfictions, fictions I welcome all that you found helpful, but not in a corny in the face uplifting way – I find that usually not work for me. No romance please. Thank you all.

    Authors/Books I like:


    Donna Tartt

    David Forster Wallace

    Jon Krakauer

    Bill Bryson

    84 Charring Cross Road

    A Little Life

    On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous

    Girl, Woman, Other

    Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead

    by oabaom

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