September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Welcome to our weekly recommendation thread! A few years ago now the mod team decided to condense the many "suggest some books" threads into one big mega-thread, in order to consolidate the subreddit and diversify the front page a little. Since then, we have removed suggestion threads and directed their posters to this thread instead. This tradition continues, so let's jump right in!

    The Rules

    • Every comment in reply to this self-post must be a request for suggestions.

    • All suggestions made in this thread must be direct replies to other people's requests. Do not post suggestions in reply to this self-post.

    • All unrelated comments will be deleted in the interest of cleanliness.

    How to get the best recommendations

    The most successful recommendation requests include a description of the kind of book being sought. This might be a particular kind of protagonist, setting, plot, atmosphere, theme, or subject matter. You may be looking for something similar to another book (or film, TV show, game, etc), and examples are great! Just be sure to explain what you liked about them too. Other helpful things to think about are genre, length and reading level.

    All Weekly Recommendation Threads are linked below the header throughout the week to guarantee that this thread remains active day-to-day. For those bursting with books that you are hungry to suggest, we've set the suggested sort to new; you may need to set this manually if your app or settings ignores suggested sort.

    If this thread has not slaked your desire for tasty book suggestions, we propose that you head on over to the aptly named subreddit /r/suggestmeabook.

    • The Management

    by AutoModerator


    1. ConnectionOdd6217 on

      Hi all (or should I say yall), Im looking for good books in the western genre. I have heard about Blood Meridian, but it seems totally wacky. I was looking for something more down to earth and realistic while still violent. I have read Cornwell’s Starbucks series on the Civil War but I didn’t love it.

      Thanks in advance!

    2. I’m looking to purchase 2-3 books to read on the beach this summer.

      I really like John Grisham books (I’ve read most of his, including some of his newer stuff and all of his most popular books. Edit: I LOVE grisham). I don’t neccesarily need or want more Legal thriller/fiction but wouldn’t be opposed. I also generally like Murder/political/crime thrillers. More on that below. Tom Clancy is hit or miss for me, so let’s avoid those please.

      I just picked up Silence of the Lambs, and holy hell, I can barely put it down. I LOVE it. I seem to enjoy books written/set a little while back, like 80s/90s early 00s which fits with most of Grisham and SotL. Wouldn’t mind at all picking up a few Silence of the Lambs level classics, just tell me which.

      Lastly, I also love a good Sci Fi fiction, but admittedly I lose some interest the more “dense” it gets if I’m not hooked. I struggled to get through Dune, but I LOVE Andy Weir. I’ve read The Martian, Project Hail Mary, and Artemis and was absolutely glued to those pages just like I am currently with SotL.

      So, r/books, any ideas? Thanks a ton in advance!

    3. Tough_Sell6017 on

      Suggestions for sad girls feeling lost? Burnt out from my corporate engineering job and in the process of interviewing elsewhere, give me a tasty story line to get lost in, preferably not fantasy/sci-fi.

      Appreciate you all ✨

    4. YakSlothLemon on

      Providence by Max Barry? It’s science fiction and it’s not exactly Andy Weir but I think it compares well – it’s a compelling, straightforwardly written hard sci-fi novel about the crew manning a ship that’s delivering a new weapon to use against an alien enemy. I loved it.

      Silence is great and its predecessor, Red Dragon, is also a fantastic read!

    5. Hello everyone, And thank you to those who take the time to read me! I didn’t have the chance to discover reading very early in my life nor the chance to do much study. For some time now I have taken a liking to reading and one evening I discovered reading and learning everything I can, knowing the classics etc. Faced with the magnitude of the task that is mine, I am looking for a step-by-step reading list on which authors to read, not only novels but also books to learn about founders in their fields, I I searched the internet and found some resources in this direction but these lists seem quite dated to me..

    6. hotsauceandburrito on

      Which of these 3 books should I read next:
      1. Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef
      2. Night at Camp David by Fletcher Knebel
      3. People Love Dead Jews by Dara Horn

      They’re all currently on my shelf and I can’t decide which one to pick up after I finish Imago by Octavia Butler

    7. yosoyel1ogan on

      How worth it is it to read Gone Girl if I’ve already seen the movie 3-4 times? I know it’s considered one of the best modern books in the genre, and I enjoyed Sharp Objects a lot. But I feel like since I know the movie quite well at this point, it’s not worth reading a ~500 page book if the movie captures 90% of it. Is there significant divergence, or is it more what I imagine that the wife is >!at Dizzy’s house in more detail, and there are more details during her disappearance phase!<? Spoilers tagged in case others are lucky enough to have not had the plot spoiled and can read it blind.

    8. I am looking for autobiography books written by female artists and creatives about their experiences as women working in the creative industries. Any recommendations?

    9. ghostblowjerbs on

      Looking for some book recommendations from other Authors. I’ve read two books that really checked a lot of boxes for me. They kept my interest and I was hoping to find more:

      *A Bear Walks into a Libertarian* by Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling –

      A group of libertarians got together and hatched the Free Town Project, a plan to take over an American town and completely eliminate its government. In 2004, they set their sights on Grafton, NH, a barely populated settlement with one paved road.

      When they descended on Grafton, public funding for pretty much everything shrank: the fire department, the library, the schoolhouse. State and federal laws became meek suggestions, scarcely heard in the town’s thick wilderness.

      The anything-goes atmosphere soon spread into the neighboring woods. Freedom-loving citizens ignored hunting laws and regulations on food disposal. They built a tent city in an effort to get off the grid. And it all caught the attention of Grafton’s neighbors: the bears.
      A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear is the sometimes funny, sometimes terrifying tale of what happens when a government disappears into the woods. Complete with gunplay, adventure, and backstabbing politicians, this is the ultimate story of a quintessential American experiment — to live free or die, perhaps from a bear.

      *Hell’s Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga* by Hunter S. Thompson –

      Thus begins Hunter S. Thompson’s vivid account of his experiences with California’s most notorious motorcycle gang, the Hell’s Angels. In the mid-1960s, Thompson spent almost two years living with the controversial Angels, cycling up and down the coast, reveling in the anarchic spirit of their clan, and, as befits their name, raising hell. His book successfully captures a singular moment in American history, when the biker lifestyle was first defined, and when such countercultural movements were electrifying and horrifying America. Thompson, the creator of Gonzo journalism, writes with his usual bravado, energy, and brutal honesty, and with a nuanced and incisive eye; as The New Yorker pointed out, “For all its uninhibited and sardonic humor, Thompson’s book is a thoughtful piece of work.” As illuminating now as when originally published in 1967, Hell’s Angels is a gripping portrait, and the best account we have of the truth behind an American legend.

      A few common themes found between the two books are:

      * Non-Fiction
      * A journalist investigating American politics, subculture or a movement.
      * Lots of unconventional lifestyles, and odd characters.
      * Humorous writing, potentially dark or surreal
      * Parallels from American history.
      * Social commentary
      * Political commentary
      * Unintentional lawlessness and chaos

    10. This isn’t exactly a suggestion for a book but where to find one. I want to read The General of the Dead Army by Ismail Kadare. Options seem limited, is it published in the US or will I need to order online from the UK?

    11. hi, so i’ve recently reread some of the percy jackson books 15 years on, has sort of reignited my love of ancient greek/egyptian/norse mythology, but obviously as nostalgic as percy jackson is, its left me wanting some more mature writing about the topic.

      any recommendations? I’ve tried to read the iliad before, but really struggled to get into it.

    12. Born-Assistance-4592 on

      I am looking for books written by Venezuelan authors, primarily set in Venezuela. This is part of a StoryGraph reading challenge and I’m having difficulty finding works translated into English.

    13. Good day to you, good reading fellows. I have come here today to ask for recs that use the relatively rare third person, present tense narrator. If it can be historical fiction, fantasy, swashbucklers, and any of that good adventure stuff, then all the better!

    14. Hello 🙂
      I have Jury Duty coming up, and I’m taking my eBook reader with me!

      Can anyone recommend books that are hard to put down?

      **Likes**: Fantasy, Adventure, Action, Fiction, Non-fiction / Self-Improvement, Romance, Science Fiction

      **Dislikes**: Slow Mystery, Rated R / Romance, Historical

    15. TheJerryScott on

      I am looking for a book for our book club. We are coming off of a string of non-fiction books, and are looking for a page turning narrative that can lead to good debate, conversation, and maybe a hot-take or two.

      General themes that we are drawn to are localism, exploration of identity, and how community shapes human experiences. Books that we’ve enjoyed over past year that have lead to good discussion include: Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered by EF Schumacher, The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen, The Sea-Wolf by Jack London, and East of Eden by John Steinbeck.

    16. I’m looking for something along the lines of “(feminist) revenge fantasy”, you know, the “Good for her” genre, like Midsommar and Promising Young Woman.

      I tried reading The Power but that kind of devolved into something else towards the end which ruined it for me.

      I am angry and real life is unfair and I want to read a story about someone who gets her payback. Thank you <3

      Edit: Ah and also, I don’t know if I am allowed to in this thread – but can you recommend me an eReader? I tried a kindle a few years ago and what bothered me was this flashing/blinking it did when turning pages. I first thought it was broken but both my parents’ kindles do this too. It’s not ghosting – just a second of the page flashing. Is there any eInk device that doesn’t do this? Otherwise I’d like it to be as small as possible, to have a long battery life and to be kindle ebook compatible.

    17. andreah-nycole on

      Looking for ultimate love stories. Not much into “fantasy”. Just give me Hardin Scott, Hayes Campbell, hell even Christian Grey. Usually the story of unsuspecting lovers that go through some ridiculous thing keeping them apart but they just can’t stay away. That’s my vibe right now. Anyone got anything?

    18. Justtosayitsperfect on

      Hey people can some rec me books with the characters being witty, smart and ‘quick on their feet’?

    19. slashpatriarchy on

      Can you recommend a lesbian romance with a sad ending? I’m looking for sapphic romance that’s going to make me cry.

    20. YousernameInValid2 on

      Anybody have recommendations for assassination books? Specifically plots to kill the king or ruler of that land. I’m looking for mainly fantasy/power fantasy novels.

    21. hotdog_jones on

      Hello! I’m looking for something dark fantasy – but also something relatively classically fantasy/adventure. Ideally nothing approaching YA. Somewhere between Tolkien and Buehlman.

    22. WatermelonCatHat on

      Hi all. Any recommendations for books which are like heartless by Marissa Meyer?

      I’m looking for a book which is fantasy fiction which have a noble girl falling for an inferior role guy. E.g. princess and footman etc.

      Nothing too raunchy. More teasing and flirty.

    23. Infinite_Knee5942 on

      looking for a fantasy or science fiction book, heard “the first law” books are worth checking out?

    24. Does anyone have any “beginner chapter” books in Spanish that are entertaining for adults and not aimed at kids?  

      I still have poor literacy in Spanish (probably comparable to a 3rd grader) but I am so bored with children’s books.  

       For context, I can manage books like the Magic Tree house and other very simple chapter books.

       What I actually want to read is like romance novels and horror, but my vocabulary is too bad to manage most books for Spanish speakers.

    25. Scifi recommendation request – I have a couple long flights coming up and hoping to find a new book to read.

      My favorite recent scifi reads are:

      – Rendezvous with Rama

      – Children of Time

      – Project Hail Mary


    26. BooksAndTheSun on

      Any recommendations on books in wich the sidekick has to manage without the hero? (Question inspired by “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by Arthur Conan Doyle) It was very interesting to see Watson trying to figure things out without Sherlock, and obviously more suspenseful since Watson isn’t as super human as Sherlock.

      Genre doesn’t have to be the same, I’m just interested if there is more good novels in which the sidekick gets the spotlight. It’s a cool theme!

    27. letsgetpizzas on

      Hello, I’m looking for a new book series to read with my 8 year old daughter. We just finished all the Harry Potter books. Before that, we read the Percy Jackson and Silverwing series… The goal is to find something that’s mostly age appropriate for her but interesting to me as well. She reads books like Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Stick Cat with her dad but I want something a touch more elevated for us.

    28. Hey! I am looking for some book recommendations. I usually go for YA romance but this year I am trying to explore… so I have read some thrillers… psychological fiction…. I would like to know some fiction classics..preferably romance or thriller. Also if someone has suggestions about any good Indian Author ( english or hindi doesn’t matter).

    29. Dr_Jackwagon on

      Books about excellence.

      I’m looking for books about people who are at the top of their field or who have achieved a high level of excellence.

      I’ve always enjoyed watching videos or listening to podcasts of professionals describing their process or philosophy as it applies to their craft. It doesn’t really matter what field their in. I’ve mostly gravitated toward professional athletes and actors. For instance, I listened to a podcast episode about Sidney Crosby and his legendary work ethic and leadership, but the books I’m looking for could be about anyone. It could be executives or stock brokers or mail carriers. It doesn’t matter to me.

      To be clear, I’m not looking for self help books.

    30. Dr_Jackwagon on

      Sci-fi/fantasy books for someone with severe anxiety.

      Sci-fi and fantasy are my go-to genres. Right now, I’m reading Lightbringer, and I like it, but I’m also currently suffering from debilitating panic attacks and just general anxiety disorder, so super intense books are a bit difficult for me right now.

      Any recommendations for sci-fi/fantasy that’s a little more chill?

    31. Hey there, looking for

      AI-“written” literature, with lots of information on the creation process (prompts being the most important info) provided by the author. Pre 2021 would be best, but I’m happy to receive some newer recommendations as well.

      Any help would be highly appreciated 🙂

    32. aristos_achaion_ on

      Hi! I’m looking for a colourful portayal of a different time and place through the story of a character or a family. Something fast-paced like **The potato peel pie society** or **Anne of Green Gables.** The Durells (2016) sort of vibe.

    33. Recent life events have left me with a lot of anxiety and depression. I’m struggling to get through any book that I start. Once it gets even the slightest bit tense, I just check out.

      I need something that’s chill, but not necessarily boring. I’m s pretty diverse reader, I read a bit of everything… Maybe something that’s a bit humorous? But not overly so? I know this is kind of a vague request, but I appreciate any and all input.

    34. FystieFettuccini on

      Hey, first-timer here!

      I never found myself seeking out romance books before, but after reading both *Lightlark* and *Nightbane* by Alex Aster, I’m left craving more. I know the books get a lot of flack for numerous reasons, but truthfully I enjoyed both Oro and Grim. I also enjoyed the spice, and I’m okay with something a little spicier. I’m in love with the world Aster created, too. Most threads I’ve read recommend ACOTAR, but I want to know if that’s truly the series for me to pick up or if there are better books/series for me to look into.

      Any guidance is appreciated!

      Edit: formatting

    35. JimFHawthorne on

      Can anyone recommend a good book on the Spanish American War? Fell down a wikipedia rabbit hole and find myself very interested to learn more on the subject

    36. Looking for recommendations on a fiction, action/adventure book with a female protagonist. Prefer something that’s not sci-fi.

    37. Fearless-Win3882 on

      I’d like to ask for a book centered around social elevation in which the main character is ambitious and witty. An example would be The Red and The Black by Stendhal. I read Great Expectations by Charles Dickens but it wasn’t nearly as good as the former.

    38. Someone near and dear to me is on a mental health leave from work and is looking for book suggestions. His most recent finish is Project hail Mary which he has finished in a weekend. He likes mysteries and science fiction. He also has enjoyed Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, star wars, Game of Thrones, etc. Thank You

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