July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    In your opinion, what’s the best edition of Moby-Dick? I’m specifically looking for a hardcover edition that includes the etymologies in the beginning and preferably also includes secondary material, such as annotations and maybe essays or a thorough introduction. Thanks!

    by nostalgiastoner

    1 Comment

    1. I don’t think you’re going to find any non-abridged version which omits the Etymology and Extract chapters, but a hardcover with annotations and secondary material is tough. Typically you find one or the other (i.e., softcover with annotations etc., or hardcover without). There’s only one that meets both requirements, which is the Hendricks House edition published in 1952. However, this is fairly rare and expensive. Here are [a few listings for it on eBay](https://www.ebay.com/itm/175904096660?hash=item28f4b38194:g:LScAAOSwDiZlBPYY&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4KR%2F6xbWa1eZptbR%2FKUGEALeQOFntwQgPRiCjEE0C%2BRwnfyuOoRH6hkL9blp2Z7z%2FCvHeKb7k1b2h7jNDBPGQkGGoeetuQhutY%2B71ir9kMq%2BxfONAhR0Sumds16casE%2FkdLGfCINAb%2F7%2Fga0vy9FAA6whEFn3ExIiE4RHQCPO8XOsIvNpGmA3gKakvKdtefGBXJ7OqxM%2FdzcbwPNyXKKQLU813PbXnUyUqDpcRN2e%2FAn47LdValHljoCf3hDAQB2TqZxVjjDWMTqvhCBTuqy5RpYmgEWu%2FPG8GYBwmLmCLIw%7Ctkp%3ABFBMysmkvexi
      ) right now, all coming in around $250. That said, it’s also 70 years old so some of the endnotes might be a little dated.

      Otherwise, if you’re ok with a paperback, I prefer the [Norton Critical Edition](https://www.amazon.com/Moby-Dick-Second-Norton-Critical-Editions/dp/0393972836/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1K0I9CULIAW50&keywords=moby+dick+norton&qid=1698187264&s=books&sprefix=moby+dick+norton%2Cstripbooks%2C89&sr=1-4), the most recent edition published in 2018. The other version most common annotated is the [Longman Critical Edition](https://www.amazon.com/Moby-Dick-Longman-Critical-Herman-Melville/dp/0205514081), also a paperback.

      My recommendation would be to get the Norton Edition for the annotations and then take your pick from any of the hardcover editions that strikes your fancy based on size, illustration, etc.

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