September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Something that I find frustrating to know is that I will never be able to consume every single piece of media that is out there in one life time.
    That doesn't mean I don't do anything though. I do play a lot of video games and watch movies and shows sometimes and I always end up wanting more.
    When it comes to books I unfortunately have the problem that I can't seem to get to it, no matter how hard I try. Just holding a book and flipping the pages is difficult for me to do.
    May it have something to with the fact that I am a depressed 19 year old.
    I did try different things multiple times.
    I started reading The Neverending Story by Michael Ende because I heard that it's good and easy to read considering that it's a children's book. I dropped it at around page 200. Same happened with Eragon. I thought that if I read something short it might help me. I dropped The Old Man and Sea at around page 25. Same with The Little Prince and The Book of Five Rings. Nothing. Classics, Sience-Fiction, Fantasy. I looked up Books that people say got them back into reading but nothing works.
    My list of books reaches up to over 200 and I can't read any of them. In the past 2 years or so the only book I semi-finished was Coraline but that didn't do anything either.

    This issue is something that frustrates me immensely and I guess that I am just looking for more advice or words of comfort as to how to deal with this from people that might have had the same issue as me at some point.
    Because I do really want to read. I think it's important and just want to see my To Read List finally get shorter. So any help is appreciated.

    If anyone has any ideas they might type out then thank you in advance.

    by RoryuuTheParanoidOne


    1. Wild_Preference_4624 on

      I recommend reading Holes by Louis Sachar! It’s my go to book rec for people who want to get into reading because it appeals to all ages, has really short chapters, and is super engaging, and I think those might make it a good option for you as well.

    2. writer-penpal on

      Have you tried listening to audiobooks? I know some people find they can’t focus on the story if they’re listening bc they just get distracted but might be something to give a try!

    3. Necessary-Praline-12 on

      Just listen to the books!!

      1. Download the Libby app on your phone.

      2. Get a library card and enter it.

      3. Start downloading audio books.

      4. Put your headphones on and start listening.

      You can do it on car trips, while working out, while biking, cleaning or doing the dishes.

    4. LoneWolfette on

      I love reading but when I’m deep in depression I have a hard time reading. Do you think trying to read a book based on a video game or movie you like would would help you ease into it?

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