September 2024
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    1. Competitive-Ad-6079 on

      Braiding sweetgrass,
      the salt path
      Maybe try something of Robert macfarlane , for example the old ways.
      Please let me know if you liked anything!

    2. odious_odes on

      The Way Through The Woods by Long Litt Woon is by a woman who takes up mushrooming in the wake of her grief over her husband’s death. Lots of connection to nature, very personal, gentle, features mushrooms but also plants and animals and so on.

    3. suchet_supremacy on

      my family and other animals by gerald durrell. it’s nonfiction and durrell was a famous naturologist – his writing almost conjures the colors, landscapes, leaves, and bugs and animals that durrell saw living in greece

    4. mask_wearing_butch on

      Mary Oliver’s poetry has themes of nature. Try “Devotions: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver”

    5. sqplanetarium on

      Ursula Le Guin’s short story “Vaster Than Empires and More Slow” is about humans finding a planet where all the plant life is linked and forms a single, world sized consciousness. It’s very beautiful, and partly about one troubled character finding peace and wholeness.

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