September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! Hope you’re having a good day:) I apologize in advance for my english, it’s not my first language but am hoping to better myself at it by reading more books in english!

    Alright let’s get into it, I’m looking for fantasy books, however I have some pet peeves/requirements

    • It can be any fantasy, but preferably not scifi, (ex: star wars). I love GoT, Warrior Cats, Wings of Fire and LotR.

    -I hate romance for the most part. Or well, there can be romance as long as it’s well developed and not the focal point. I greatly dislike smut:P Ex for both points: I tried reading The Ice People, it was okay until a demon-angel-man thing licked a child’s neck and the child then became super horny. Not my cup of tea and I haven’t touched the book since.

    -If I’m not immediately hooked within the first few chapters, chances are I’ll put the book down and never pick it back up.


    by signymariag

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