September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When I was a pre-teen into my mid-twenties, I was a voracious reader, reading at least one book every 2 weeks and very often more. When I was younger I read mostly fiction – classics, bestsellers, YA. I read Anna Karenina when I was 14, and Grapes of Wrath when i was 12.

    As I got older, I kind of ended up living in the university library and read a lot more non-fiction, mostly history, biography, science/technology, and current events.

    Now that I’m in my 30s, I seem to have replaced reading with scrolling and I kind of hate it. When I’m camping and out of reception, I’ll read anything, but back in reception I’m just on my phone again. Any tip and tricks for getting back into it

    by Bitter_Sense_5689

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