September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Any mafia/cartel book suggestions that has the vibes of those series? — like Messy Narco Cartels not an Organized Crime Godfather Italian patriarchy. Any recs? Thanks!

    by _sonataxx


    1. Good-Variation-6588 on

      I love The Power of the Dog by Don Winslow. Page turner from start to finish

    2. TickleMeSober on

      Chemical Cowboys-Lisa Sweetingham. The story about undercover cops in NYC who go to raves to bust up an ecstasy ring. Works it’s way up to mobsters in israel if memory serves me right. Author did a great job researching and includes pictures of the clubs, perps, and others involved in the investigation. Read about ten years ago and still think of it from time to time so it was a good read for me

    3. Age of Vice by Deepti Kapoor. Just started it but liking it alot–very much the Godfather in India.

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