September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I frequently get asked what kinds of books I like to read whenever I mention that I like to read. But I tend to read romance or gory horror and I feel really self conscious telling coworkers about any of those kinds of books. I feel like I'll be judged or get in trouble for talking about smut and gore at work. So I was wondering about some safe yet not boring recommendations. I prefer fantasy as a genre but not like high fantasy where I have to read 200 pages of world building. I also like a bit of scifi but again I don't think I can handle 200 pages of world building. I'm very particular about horror too but I worry about mentioning it at all to coworkers bc who knows what the threshold of "scary" is too much for most people.

    As I work in the Deep South it unfortunately can't be anything w/ LGBT characters either. I have a ton of books I don't mention just bc I don't want to get in trouble for being "political" at work. Same with witchcraft. Or anything my coworkers might deem "satanic"

    Oh! And I like comedy elements so if it's funny that would be nice but not required.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

    by Ichimatsusan

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