September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I started reading multiple books at a time to help me get through my library books and also had a book going on my Kindle since it's part of a series and I want to read it before I forget what's going on. The issue is I've completely neglected the Kindle book the last week and have read none of it and have barely read one of the library books I'm reading. It started off fine but now I feel like it's a juggling game to keep up with all the books. Is reading multiple books just not for me or am I doing something wrong?

    by CaptainMacAlfie


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    2. apparent-evaluation on

      It may not be for you.

      Most people can watch multiple TV shows at once. Prior to streaming, everyone had to. This isn’t *that* different, but it really depends on how someone best enjoys reading.

    3. Tim-Sanchez on

      I could never read multiple similar books at once. I could definitely read books of very different styles/genres, like one fiction and one non-fiction book. I’d pick up whatever I felt in the mood for at that time. Also different formats are easier, like one book and one audiobook.

      If you’re trying to read multiple books and neglecting one, maybe it’s not for you. Nothing wrong with just reading one book straight through before starting the next, it’s not like you’ll get through them any quicker.

    4. Hypocrite-Lecteur89 on

      Maybe it’s not for you. It definitely is not for me I have to read a book at a time!

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