September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've been running out of books to read, so I've resorted to reading highly rated books on Amazon, which has mostly worked out well. I generally like sci-fi/fantasy, Brandon Sanderson, Pierce Brown, Andy Weir, John Scalzi, Stephen King, etc.

    Amazon did have me come across "Haunting Adeline" and "Hunting Adeline" by Carlton. I figured it must be some sort of Sarah Maas or Colleen Hoover romance type of book. Well, sort of I guess, perhaps there are some similarities, such as the theme of a woman being madly desired by hot guys.

    So the main protagonist, Addie, is a super gorgeous writer. In the first book "Haunting Adeline", Addie is stalked and raped by a dude and eventually falls in love with him in a Stockholm Syndrome fashion. It helps that the man is 6'5" tall, super strong and muscular, rich, saves children from human trafficking and has super hacking abilities where he can crack any camera or security system in the world. So basically, Addie is being raped by Batman.

    In the second book "Hunting Adeline", Addie (and the author for that matter) justifies being raped by Batman because he was so in love and so obsessed by Addie that he could not control himself. As a man, I have to say that no matter how horny or how much we want a girl, we are still able to control ourselves; to rape is a conscious choice.

    Now, these books did make me think about what would I do in a situation where the tables are turned. What if a gorgeous girl really desired me and held a gun to my head and forced me to have sex with her. Hypothetically, let's say the girl was Sydney Sweeney, or perhaps Amber Heard since we know she is crazy. If Sydney Sweeney or Amber Heard held a gun to my head and wanted to have sex, I would have to say that I would do so willingly.

    So my conclusion from reading these books: a human is ok with being forced into sex as long as the rapist is hot.

    Even though a little bit of the writing was silly and almost juvenile at times, I do applaud the author for attempting to write about a controversial theme. I actually enjoyed the books, it was different.

    by IamInternationalBig

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