September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It never fails that I hit two big reading slumps every year, the first at the halfway point of the year, either in June or July, and then again in December. It usually comes on suddenly, as I'm in between books, debating what I want to read next. Then, next thing I know, I want to read EVERYTHING, making it impossible for me to choose. It quickly gets to the point I don't want to read anything and if I even attempt it, I set the book aside as soon as I pick it up.

    Under different circumstances, I would ride it out. If I don't feel like reading, I do not force it. If I have a full-time job, it's much easier to mindlessly watch Netflix or YouTube at the end of the day than read. Only that's not the case. I'm unemployed and, besides working on my blog, household chores, etc., I don't have much else to keep preoccupied. As such, this reading slump came at the worst time.

    Besides riding it out, I have a few other methods to get out of a reading slump. The problem is, not being able to decide what I want to read makes me NOT want to read anything. These are my usual methods of getting out of a reading slump:

    Reread a book

    Read a random book from the library

    Listen to a random audiobook on Libby, Hoopla, and Scribd

    Read a handful of picture books, either physically from the library or as ebooks and audiobooks from Libby and Hoopla

    Read a genre I don't typically reach for, or haven't read much recently

    I'm open to any suggestions at this point. I've had a rough few days, mentally, and I'm in desperate need to get out of my head. If you have any books to recommend, like titles that got you out of a slump, a genre you reach for, or any other tips, I welcome them.

    by Bookish_Butterfly

    1 Comment

    1. For me, the best thing is an audiobook and a really long walk. Maybe a stop for coffee along the way

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