September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I love science fiction, especially in space, but I find it hard to finish a book if it’s not fast-paced enough. I’m just getting back into the reading habit so I’m sorry if the books I’ve read aren’t super well known.

    My all-time favorite book was Defiant by Brandon Sanderson and I loved the entire Skyward series. I also really liked the Alienated series by Melissa Landers a lot- the romance was an added bonus. Scythe by Neil Shushterman was also pretty good, I read it for a class. It’s slightly related, but I also loved Unaccompanied Minor by Hollis Gillespie- very fast paced and fun.

    Some of the more traditional/famous books haven’t grabbed me. I’m in the middle of Ender’s Game and it’s kind of meh for me. I read Starship Troopers for a class and it was also eh… didn’t hate it but didn’t like it. I’m also not a big fan of old, hard-to-read books like Frankenstein or Dracula.

    For romance books, I read The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood and liked it, but for me, it only got super captivating and interesting in the last half. I tried Love, Theoretically but it just didn’t grab me the same way.

    In the real world I’m in the aviation/aerospace industry and would love to read more fictional books around that. I love the Star Trek universe and crime shows (think NCIS) but haven’t really explored that sort of book yet, not sure if it exists, but I’d be open to some of those suggestions as well. Thanks in advance!

    by Ad-Astra0122


    1. Quirky_Dimension1363 on

      I’d recommend Old Man’s War by John Scalzi and A Long Way to a Small, Angry planet by Becky Chambers for Sci Fi

    2. Silent-Revolution105 on

      “The Mote in God’s Eye” Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle

      “The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress” Robert A. Heinlein

    3. Flat-Environment1260 on

      Scythe was meh imo and predictable. I suggest Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir for fast paced sci fi

    4. I just read the first in a newer series by Constance Fay, called Calamity. The second book is called Fiasco. They both are sci-fi with a bit of romance.

      I also enjoyed the Jesse Mihalik series that starts with Polaris Rising and the series that starts with Hunt the Stars.

      Aurora Rising is the first in a series by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (they also wrote the Illuminae Files together).

      All of these have a bit of the space opera/romance feel of the Skyward series. The Innkeeper series by Ilona Andrews (first is Clean Sweep) is quite different but shares some aspects of the later books in the Skyward series (creatures sometimes drawn from mythology stay at a sort of a space B&B).

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