September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm looking to read more graphic novels, and don't know where to look. What's good out there? I know about the big hitters (Maus, Ghost World, Watchmen, Dark Knight Returns, etc.) but I figure with the explosion in popularity of the genre, there's got to be great and more recent stuff.

    I'm pretty open-hearted, and I'll at least take a look at any suggestions. In terms of fiction preferences, I typically read literary fiction, some sci-fi, some detective novels. Thanks!

    by CaptainLeebeard


    1. Feline_Shenanigans on

      Sandman series is very good and old enough your local library may have them.

    2. The Sandman books are Awesome, I bought the box set just before the series released, they are fantastic

    3. The Winter Men by Brett Lewis

      Daredevil: The Man Without Fear by Frank Miller

      Kingdom Come by Mark Waid

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