I am writing an essay for university and part of it will be an analysis of surrealist auto fiction. By auto ficiton, I mean what Freud would have called “automatic writing”, that being writing whatever came down into your head. I am looking for texts that would be pre post modern, so anything from like the 50’s and earlier would be dope.
Thank you 🙂
edit: cant edit the title but yeah typo lmao, very auto of me!
by Essentially_Jesus
[This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskLiteraryStudies/s/2UlSXUp7TU) from another subreddit a couple of years ago might have some ideas.
Hard to imagine what surrealist auto fiction would be, because those are two unrelated categories. And automatic writing would be unlikely to have the ‘auto’ element of auto fiction.