September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. ladycuntysass on

      ACOTAR or Throne of Glass series at least 2 times a year. It’s what got me hooked on fantasy so whenever I’m in a slump, it’s a massive go to.

    2. Too many to count. In fact, most books I enjoy the first time around I give a second read through at some point. Granted I primarily do audiobooks and if I’m having trouble sleeping I’ll put one on that I know well enough that missing chunks here and there doesn’t really matter all that much.

      I’m primarily a fantasy book reader. The Name of the Wind is my go to and probably my favorite book of all time.

      Just finished a second listen through of Project Hail Mary. Very very good book if you don’t mind the author occasionally getting pretty deep into the weeds over sciencey stuff.

      The Arcane Ascension and Cosmere universes have all had at least two listens.

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