September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey all!

    I’m moving from Brisbane, Australia overseas and can’t take my books with me.

    I need to store my books (mostly independently published and special editions) but I can’t afford a storage locker, so I’ll need to wrap and box them to stay with a friend.

    I’m looking for advice on how to wrap, store/box my books for a humid climate. I fear that they’ll have to go in boxes due to lack of space.

    They will be stored at a friend’s house, but they won’t be able to go bookshelves (space) and she has a dog. (She’s not a reader, so doesn’t fully grasp how much these books mean and that I don’t read them).

    I’ve done some googling and have seen some recommendations to wrap books individually in butchers paper and then store laying flat on top of each other in a cardboard box?

    But then others say not to use a cardboard box (I don’t think mice or rats are an issue) and to use paper towels? Some say to use plastic tubs, others say not to because of the humidity?

    And I’m so lost because this will be for 2-4 years and I just want them to be safe.

    Just wondering if anyone has advice, especially for slightly more humid climates.

    Or, is it even worth storing them, and if I should sell a lot of the books (keeping the special editions and Out of Print books)?

    I don’t have a massive collection, only around 150 — 200 books, some trad books, some yellowed from sun which I’ll donate).

    Anything info or insight would be so appreciated!

    by Top-Reputation-9549

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