July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I ABSOLUTELY loved this book. It was weird and off the wall. I do have some questions. Maybe someone else here has read it and can answer?

    What was with Lydia? She kept hearing howling and the disappeared? Then no one remembered her but Rob. Then she suddenly shows up as the third customer profile???????? I don’t understand. Can anyone help me?

    by moonchildbby


    1. CrazyCatLady108 on

      the way i understood it is that when the ‘void’ eats you people forget you existed. Rob, being not human at the time of the event, did not forget her. BUT to make his recollection unbelievable the idea of Lydia is pushed back in time and inserted as a customer profile so everyone can point to where Rob’s crazy memories are coming from.


      Lydia never existed and she was always like Rob only she never had a human body, only a profile come alive. but since no one on line knows you are a dog she pretended to be human until she could not hold herself together.

      there are no straight answers when it comes to this sort of horror.

    2. ficticiouschickens on

      I also have no idea but love that this thread is becoming just as chaotic as the book itself

    3. I always thought Lydia was not an actual human but lived in Slack/computer world. Also I absolutely loved this book!

    4. ConcertNo5641 on

      I really enjoyed this book and had a lot of laughs, but I felt like the end sort of fell off as some things felt rushed or didn’t make much sense. Like why did the excel file cause this, why can’t slackbot remember but Gerald can, and Lydia disappeared and they moved on pretty fast.

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