September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am in a HUGE reading slump and, at the moment, completely incapable of reading any type of fantasy. I want a contemporary book that really sucks you in, something you sit down to read and just want to finish it in one go. I love slice of life books that make you feel something (one of my favorite movies is Lady Bird to give a vibe), I adored The Perks of Being a Wallflower in middle school/high school. I just finished Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney and I did fly through it although I wouldn't say I loved it.
    On the other hand, I also love thrillers. I adore Gillian Flynn's books and would love more like that. I flew through Verity by Colleen Hoover although I wouldn't say I actually liked it.

    This is a weird quirk of mine, but I don't want any books that have a male protagonist and I prefer female authors.

    by caterpillargf


    1. Front_Raspberry7848 on

      I just finished Margo’s got money troubles by Rufi Thorpe it is short and delightful. Premise is this girl who gets pregnant by her college professor and ends up starting an only fans In order to make money and support the baby. It is hilarious, has a great cast of characters. For me it was easy to get into and a quick read that I read in about two sitting

    2. Fueled-by-Fantasy on

      *Woman, Eating* by Claire Khoda is a slice of life novella about a vampire, it’s written as she struggling with the decision between right and wrong, eating or going hungry, trying to live a normal life all while her mother suffers dementia (or Alzheimer’s it’s not really specified on page) and is in a nursing home, she reminisces on her childhood and how she became the way she is. She is also an aspiring artist I believe and it’s just so well written if you didn’t know up front she was a vampire you almost wouldn’t have a clue until the end. I think about it often and I read it like a year and a half ago? Maybe longer.

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