October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I finished A Drop of Venom and boy, it was a good read and it’s made me crave more. It was a really difficult read at some points but I want to feel the characters feelings to my very depths.

    Overall, I prefer fantasy or historical fantasy and with a little romance trickled in but books like A Drop of Venom and A Crane Among Wolves were obsessive page turners for me that kept me absolutely hooked while discussing the intricate struggles of being a woman in a world designed against you.

    by SwordsOfSanghelios


    1. I’ve not started it yet but perhaps The Daughters War by Christopher Buehlman?

      It’s a prequel to The BlackTongue Thief.

    2. _Nettle and Bone_ is a tightly-paced fantasy novel largely focused on the roles forced upon women. Its protagonist is a young woman who has had two of her sisters married off to the same prince — the first died, and the second is clearly not doing well. She sets off on a quest to save her sister, and meets a large cast of compelling characters along the way — including a dog she has to make by wiring individual bones together. It’s a premise that could be extremely dark, but it’s balanced by quite a bit of levity and extremely fun worldbuilding.

      _Dreamsnake_ is a much weirder pick, about a woman named Snake who lives in a world that may be a fantasy world, may be another planet, or may be post-apocalyptic earth. It’s never really made clear. She works as a healer in a word without readily available vaccines or drugs, and travels from community to community feeding special herbs to her pet snakes that cause them to produce various medicines instead of venom. It’s an extremely thoughtful feminist take on a heroic quest that addresses so many issues in such a short time.

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