September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Any Igbt book recommendations to give to my family so they can understand me even so slightly?
    I grew up in a conservative christian family. I wasn’t fully aware about my sexuality until I was 13-14 when I had my first (that I remember) girl crush. I don’t remember my childhood before I was 12 so I can’t even deny or confirm I was bisexual as a child, but that’s not relevant.
    I had a HARD time dealing with my sexuality because it was never mentioned in my family, it never existed. I was outed by someone who is still anonymous even after years and saying my parents didn’t take it well wouldn’t be enough to describe it. While growing up I realized I had no faith in the God my family believes in and when the hatred of the Christian community towards me and people like me became visible, it cut a wound that I might never be able to heal. Since my family have given me tons of Christian book I thought maybe it’s my turn to do the same. I’m just trying to heal and hope to recover my relationship with my family by getting them to understand where I’m coming (out) from.

    • from a child that grew up in a hateful community made of people | love

    by Broad-Most871

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