September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a book that, while you’re reading it, you just get lost in your senses. I’m talking the smell of a buttery flaky croissant coming from the small town bakery. The ghost of autumn coming in through wind swept trees. Whispers of tender love confessions and stealing glances in the night light. Wisteria colored cupcakes with buttercream frosting, playfully smeared on dimpled cheeks. A story that sings with laughter and heartfelt moments, and yet isnt shy to introduce grief that gnaws at the heart, woven beautifully between words left unsaid.

    I wish I could write like B.K. Borison, honestly. It just. . . ugh. Melts on the tongue.

    I would love a /clean/, poetic, and slow-paced romance that makes me feel something. Something that I can get lost in for a little while with no rush. A cozy, comforting YA novel, perhaps? I’m all ears to suggestions <3

    by SkinnyBeanJeans

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