September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi guys,

    I’m interested in knowing more about the life both personal and professional life of Otto Selz. The German psychologist during Nazi regime who opposed the use of Immanuel Kant reductionism in academia and would rather try to initiate the epistemology (knowledge construction) of several different field of study to be investigated and taught in academia…unfortunately, he got his life taken away by the Nazi while his project was still ongoing and unfinished…so I wondered if anyone has a book that talks about his personal life, professional life and his contribution to epistemology of says psychology etc.

    by MountainArt9216

    1 Comment

    1. I do not have what you desire. But I will take this time to suggest the book The Faithful Spy by John Hendrix. It’s about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor that helped plot to assassinate Hitler.

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