July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know there is controversy around the Harry Potter series now with JK Rowling, and I understand the importance of what it all means. Let me first state that and say I do not support Ms. Rowling in her views in any way, shape, or form.

    But the story of Harry Potter is sacred to me. I grew up with Harry Potter – I legitimately started reading the first book when it was released when I was 11 years old. I was in my early 20s when the last book was released and it was an amazing experience. I attended all the book release parties (and midnight movie showings), and recommended it and told everyone who would listen that they had to read the series. It absolutely captivated me.

    I’ve read the series over again almost four times in my life. I’m in the midst of finishing the fourth time through now with my kids. It STILL captivates me, and I’ve realized – even as I border on 40 years of age – no other book or series has ever made me feel the same as that series, even as an adult. I can understand that some of it may be the nostalgia surrounding my initial experience with it. But I still find the series “one of a kind” for me.

    Knowing all this, what recommendations would you give me to read to capture that same feeling of awe? I’m open to any genre, any age group. I’m just looking for people’s recommendations of what they’ve read and even reread that has been just as good if not better the more times you read it.

    by ekalmusLA

    1 Comment

    1. Sufficient-Excuse607 on

      Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage

      Chrestomancie Chronicles by Diana Wynne Jones

      Discworld series Terry Pratchett

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