September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    Not sure if this is the right sub for my question but here goes:

    I want to practice writing and speaking so I thought I try writing and talking about what I have read. Maybe I will post interesting tidbits on my social media or make a podcast about it. What are some tips or strategy to take notes while reading with the purpose of retelling them later?

    I have just gotten started but this is how I did in the beginning:

    * First, read a chapter once, highlight or underline key/interesting ideas.
    * Second, read the chapter again and write in an essay form as a podcast script as I read.
    * Third, edit, add embellishment and trim unnecessary parts.
    * Finally, use the script for podcast and as a backbone for social media content.

    The problem I found with this method is I feel talking from the script sounds rigid and I have to find balance between a functioning script and a functioning piece of writing (the script has to be more casual-sounding but the writing has to sound more mature).

    Maybe this is because I am still inexperienced in both writing and speaking. I still could use some tips though.


    by NoncommunicableToday

    1 Comment

    1. Past-Wrangler9513 on

      Hi! Public speaking teacher here. You’ll have more luck sounding natural if you use an outline rather than a script. It sounds like you’re reading a script because you are (even if you’ve memorized it and aren’t literally reading it). Make a general outline of what you want to say but don’t focus on memorization, it doesn’t need to sound exactly the same every time.

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