July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi. I just had a dream where I had to do first aid to a guy who just fell from a roof but still was alive and had burns on him(don’t even ask; his car was burning on a roof or whatever) And I kinda liked my Pow in that situation. I was nervous, i didn’t really know what I was doing and told the police that he had stabbed himself before that for some reason… So I’m looking for a book where a guy or a doctor just starts meeting with brutality of our world. Main character has to get used to a lot of blood, smell of the corpses, the fact that he or she can’t save everybody and all kind of that stuff. I don’t mind if it’s about being a medic in a war.

    by Scary-Entertainer-11


    1. boxer_dogs_dance on

      Fiction from a few hundred years ago, the Physician by Noah Gordon

      Also fiction, fantasy, Lions of Al Rassan

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