July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i stumbled on this book in a little shop in london about a year ago and i fell in love with it. everything about the story hit the mark for me: the charcaters and their relationships to one another, the atmospheric elements, the narration style, the wonderful writing. ever since then, every novel i have read feels almost lacklustre.

    i am looking for books that will bring the same sense of fullfullment as the whalebone theater did. i really want to feel the full range of emotions that book provided me, while keeping the beauty and the whit through out the story-telling. And although it's a book set around the first and second world war, it is not a typical historical war fiction novel. it was more about the impact of war beyond the actual battles.

    while i'm privy to literary fiction i am open to anything you can suggest to me!

    by InstructionNo5711

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