July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am an anxious person and mostly want have control on at least major aspects of my life, and recently something happened that changed my life in the sense that idk what to do next, I don’t know what decisions to take so that everything works out for me. Idk if things will be okay for me and over thinking about all of this makes me so anxious and I sometimes just want to yell at myself and say “just let go” “just leave things on God” “don’t overthink so much”

    I am literally so frustrated and want to stop making myself miserable and stop overthinking and crying myself to sleep every fucking night. Please suggest a book that can help me with this . TIA

    by _beastyyy_

    1 Comment

    1. No_Customer_84 on

      I think you might get consolation from When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron.

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