September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    On this show called burn notice the main character Michael westen gives out "spy" tips on using everyday objects to make stuff like bombs, listening devices, fake id's, etc. I was wondering if there are books out there that do similar stuff but in a more general sense like for food in survival situations or maybe homemade self defense weapons in a pinch

    by ZookeepergameSuper70

    1 Comment

    1. monopolyman900 on

      The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook NY Joshua Piven.

      It’s kind of over the top, though, so idk if that’s what you’re looking for. It’s got stuff like ‘what to do if you find yourself in quicksand’, which is kind of silly. But also more practical stuff like ‘how to kick down a door’ if I remember right.

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