October 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Taste_the__Rainbow on

      *The Way of Kings*. I put it down twice around chapter 30. Now it’s one of my all-time favorites. I think I just was i. The wrong headspace and didn’t see what the author was trying to do at first.

    2. ye_olde_green_eyes on

      1Q84 by Haruku Murakami. I was overly hyped for this to come out in English and when it did, I couldn’t read more than the first chapter. I tried twice since 2011 and finally got into it this year. I think I just wanted it to be Kafka on the Shore.

    3. **Perdido Street Station** by China Miéville. Could get into it the first time I picked it up, but went back to it after enjoying another book by the same author and absolutely loved it.

    4. ApparentlyIronic on

      *Guns, Germs and Steel* For whatever reason, it was a little too dense for my mindset at the time. But when I tried again a couple years later, I absolutely loved it. Ancient history, for lack of a better term, is one of my favorite nonfiction topics, and I’m not certain that that isn’t because of this book specifically

    5. pragmatic-pollyanna on

      Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Had a false start or two… and then I tried again and could not put it down. It is one of my favorite books ever.

      All depends on your mood, the time of year, what else is going on in your life at any given moment, I guess.

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