July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have a collection of books that I am planning on donating to a "used" book store (but most of them are either written in Taiwanese Mandarin or Japanese) since I own those, which are very different (not just on the language) but the fact they're published from R-L, not that it'll matter but may stand out as being 'different' than Western books. (like vertical text instead of horizontal.)

    Can you donate (non-English) books at a second hand book store in countries like the USA & UK, that is if it's a specialized independent store that accepts books in many languages. For example in NYC there's a smaller book store (not Kinokuniya) that mainly specializes on selling books focusing on Asian literature, but can you donate "Asian" literature written in their own language instead of English?

    What about normal book stores? I mean would they accept or reject it, which would not make sense as in some stores they have books in French or Spanish (L-R format) as those languages are "similar" to English while Japanese or Taiwanese Mandarin (R-L format) are too different from EN, ES & FR in which readers who speak those languages can't understand it by reading the title or blurb.

    by No_Pomegranate7134

    1 Comment

    1. roborabbit_mama on

      I don’t see why not, someone in the community or more local may be looking for books in such a language. Never hurts to go in and ask the shop, or even just call to ask ahead of going down there.

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