July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello readers!

    I'm fairly new to reading as a hobby and I have read some books this past year where a book will start off amazing with the main character/s and focus in on them, but then suddenly, after being so encapsulated by their storyline, the author decides to give another perspective about side characters that I frankly do not care about.

    This is currently happening to me right now with a book that hooked me from the start with the main protagonist but then, the author after 100 pages decides to change it to another perspective of people who I have not met before. I personally get annoyed by this and kind of do not want to continue reading but I don't know.

    Any opinions on this matter for anyone else? I am curious what you guys think or if I am the only one. Thanks!

    by afjack35


    1. onceuponalilykiss on

      Without trying to demean you or anything, I think this is the sort of thing that could only annoy you while you remain a beginner reader. The more experienced a reader you become, the more you demand from your books, and if books can’t vary in format to some level it becomes very hard for them to actually try something new.

      It’s also not really at all uncommon and several of the all-time classics use multiple POVs so it’s just a position that’s impossible to hold for long unless you stick to like a subset of a subset of books.

    2. some of my favorite books revolve around a central character but only by showing other peoples’ perspective of them. I think it gives a really interesting ‘hell is other people’ vibe. It gives insight in the human condition and what makes us *us*

      (Absalom, Absalom!, The Savage Detectives, Jacob’s Room, Hurricane Season, just to name a few.)

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