July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm finally tackling the Magnum Opus. I'm 300 pages in and aside form Kaladin, cannot really get into it. I have the physical book and the audio. I had high hopes and now I'm not sure I want to keep going. I loved Mistborn and my all time fav series is The Faithful and The Fallen by John Gwynne. So why! Why don't I love this! I already bought the second book….

    by MillaTime123


    1. GaymoSexual on

      i love Sanderson, but I also could not finish that book. You are not alone.

    2. It’s not for everyone. I struggled with the beginning and I hit something the other night and I’ve read nearly 200 pages in 2 days.

    3. Way of kings is a far longer build up than his other books. Likely the pacing just isn’t working for you. It’s among my top 3 series, but that doesn’t make it perfect.

    4. OnceInABlueMoon on

      If you’re finding book 1 to be a slog to get through, just wait until book 3.

    5. Royal-Foundation6057 on

      First: if you really don’t like a book that’s fine and a willingness to DNF is an essential skill for readers.

      More importantly: as a huge Sanderson fan, I would emphasize one key fact. Stormlight Archive is arguably (one of? Only if u count less popular franchised on the level of wandering inn.) the most ambitious popular fantasy project in the last century, and I really don’t think that’s an exaggeration. It’s a 10 book series that will likely average close to 1,100 pages per book, while also serving as the connecting tissue of an interconnected series of 40+ books.

      The first 5-600 pages of Way of Kings is pure setup. Granted, I liked a lot of that setup. But even I was a little bored with the first half of WoK before Stormlight became my favorite series ever. My favorite piece of any media ever. It is quite a lot, but I would suggest continuing. The next steps might be most important.

    6. I had similar feelings when reading it. I feel you really do need to read some other Sanderson before tackling Stormlight. You need to be able to trust the author is going to deliver. It’s really the only thing that got me through that book.

      And dear God does he deliver.

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