July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Someone asked me ages ago if I look up words I don't understand (when reading) and I said I do; I read with a dictionary nearby! (She replied she didn't have the energy to do that lol)

    I'm a little more lazy these days, but learning new words can be both fun and amusing, especially if you use them in conversation. I once stumped a boss of mine just by using "mollify" and I honestly wasn't trying to impress.

    What words have you found inspirational and added to the ol' head vault thanks to authors?

    by mysteryofthefieryeye


    1. WhiskeyHotdog_2 on

      Coruscate. Said about three dozen times in Sourcery by Terry Pratchett. 

    2. Great-Molasses-Flood on

      Lemony Snicket introduced me to “inordinate” as well as a few others, I’m sure

    3. FoghornLegday on

      Decadent, in the more literal sense of the word. As in decay. Usually I think of it as excessive, like a big chocolate cake. But HP Lovecraft uses it to refer to decaying towns, etc

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