September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone. Never posted on Reddit before but my SO has been coping with depression and alcoholism. He will likely be going away for a month of inpatient support to get help. I was looking for some uplifting “feel good” book recommendations for him during this time. Definitely not self help…just really good books (any genre) that will engross him and he will enjoy and hopefully will improve his spirits. Thank you!!!! (For context he is in his 40s, went to a really good college and studied a field related to one that is now supposed to help him these next 30 days. 😩. He does like spy books and loves sailing and everything outdoors.) Appreciate your recommendations!!! Truly.

    by OutrageousSound9908


    1. Trying2improvemyself on

      For the alcoholism he should read The Cure for Alcoholism by Roy Eskapa. I’m 5 years sober thanks to naltrexone and the Sinclair method.

    2. I think something by Eric Ambler will keep him riveted to a great war time spy story. And I know self help is a no go, but Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl is a must for anyone.

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