July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    For those that have read this, I’d love to hear your theories.

    This book reminded me of Greg Bear’s book called Eon.

    there’s a spaceship discovered called Thistledown that has an entrance to a parallel type universe that is a million miles long

    I believe something similar to Eon in that the cabins are doorways to this parallel world and where the guards escaped to

    Why were the women/men there and the bunkers? there was an apocalypse on earth (fire) and the people were rescued perhaps for nefarious reasons and brought there with the hope of terraforming and repopulating

    Why did the alarm go off? because the doorways were failing and the needed to escape immediately or be stuck there forever. There must be a third world involved like alien overlords that are controlling it all

    Would love to hear your thoughts! Such a great book and obvs much deeper in symbolism than just what I have presented above.

    by Vanislebabe

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