July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’d like to get to know more people. People don’t like me unless I have something of value for them. I seem to be a distant memory when I have no use for others.

    Wish people would like to connect with me because they like me as a person. Wish they wouldn’t ignore me. I’m just losing all hope.

    Same goes for family. Except 1 sister.

    I would like to attract people who like me for me. Not because I can do something for them.

    I just want to be liked. Maybe it’s a me thing. I’d like to explore books that can help me investigate what the problem with me may be or what thought process in my head needs changing.

    It’s got to be a me thing if everyone but 2 people don’t like me, right?

    by simple3510

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