July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m not really ready to commit to a series in the case of Hyperion and I know god emperor will probably be the last dune book I read and I’m not ready for it to end. So technically since I’m not ready for both, I’m kinda ready for both if that makes sense.

    I can only get one right now so which one should I get?

    by Feisty-Treacle3451

    1 Comment

    1. AluminumGnat on

      Hyperion cantos can be read fairly independently so you’re not really super committed.

      God emperor of dune is a banger and a half. In the same way that dune messiah is really quite necessary to get the full experience of dune, GEoD is quite necessary to get the full experience of Children of Dune

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