July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    After watching the hilarious Skyfire episodes of Brooklyn 99 I’d like to try a fantasy series.
    I don’t want one like Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones though. Everyone knows about those. What’s a more lesser known one that still has great stories and interesting lore?

    by ISuckHellaToes420


    1. Shadowmereshooves on

      His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman

      The First Law Trilogy and subsequent books plus Age of Madness trilogy by Joe Abercrombie

    2. ExplosionsGoBOOOOOM on

      Try the Paladin Prophecy series. It’s a low fantasy young adult series about teenagers who discover they have special abilities. I know that sounds very cliche, but it’s written very well and pokes fun at some of the stereotypes of the genre. It’s also just a fun, light read that still manages to get you invested in the story without the main characters making too many idiotic decisions.

    3. Ascendance of a bookworm is literally the best light novel I’ve ever read in my mind. It’s one of those series you wish you could forget to be able to experience it all over again. It’s about a sickly girl that invents the printing press because she wants books, and boy does it go some unexpected places.

      The codex of Alera by Jim Butcher is also really freaking cool. It’s a pokemon, meets avatar, meets ancient Rome. I highly recommend it.

      If you want something a bit more folkloric, the Bear and the Nightingale is also pretty good. Based in Russian folklore and Christianity and the death of the old ways.

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