July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I've heard its incredible but it's a series I would have to order. It's not in any bookstores or libraries around me. I've haven't met anyone who has even heard of it. Has anyone read this and what is your opinion?

    by JackelberryCrunch


    1. Oh yes. I read the first two novels and loved them.

      Years ago, the BBC made a mini-series that I thought was amazing.

    2. GreatStoneSkull on

      Extremely worthwhile. The prose (esp in books 1 and 2) is very dense, but if you persevere it results in amazing word-pictures that will stay with you forever.

      As u/sd_glokta mentions, the BBC series is quite good – try watching that to see if the world of Titus, Fuchsia, Steerpike and co is to your interest.

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