July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I say "aimless" in the title, but this could more or less interpreted as "mentally ill," "stunted," or both.

    I think "mature" is also kind of a loaded term, and may mean different things to different people. So by that, what I mean is, generates a greater capacity to self reflect – or, having initially denied what is an issue about their worldview, then actually works through the problem. They don't have to have become a fully fledged perfectly functioning person by the end, by any means (no one is perfect) but I want to see someone who does figure out what they're lacking.

    I'm recently coming off of a short book titled "Nobody Somebody Anybody," and now I'm working my way through "Mountaintop School for Dogs And Other Second Chances." The first book centered young female protagonist. She starts off aimless and essentially, beyond living through some wackiness and grief, ends aimless. I related to her (unfortunately), so I was hoping for an arc for her character, or some explanation of what was going on with her. Getting into the second book (School for Dogs), I felt the main character was almost exactly the same. I thought halfway through, maybe this time the book will provide more insight onto what is going on with the young women who never fully matures, or fully overcomes their own self-centered narrative or idealistic delusions. According to reviews Mountaintop School for Dogs also doesn't address this issue or provide a real arc (and the character is even more vague than in that first book).

    All that said, what is a story about a young woman that does in many ways start off aimless and immature and actually grows and changes. Something based in a realistic setting with a realistic plot is what I'm aiming for (not so much fantasy, and little or no romance if possible). Thank you!

    by VictimofMyLab


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